main memory
main memory \main memory\ n. (Computers)
The memory in a computer that holds programs and data for
rapid access during execution of a program; it usually hold
the largest quantity of rapid-access storage in a computer;
-- also called RAM (random access memory. It is
contrasted to ROM, disk data storage, cache,
registers and other forms of data storage.
main memory
main memory
main store
primary storage

The storage device used by a
computer to hold the currently executing program and its
working data. A modern computer's main memory is built from
random-access memory integrated circuits. In the old days
ferrite core memory was one popular form of main memory,
leading to the use of the term "core" for main memory.

Computers have several other sorts of memory, distinguished by
their access time, storage capicity, cost, and the typical
lifetime or rate of change of the data they hold. Registers
in the CPU are fast, few, expensive and typically change
every few machine instructions. Other kinds are cache,
PROM, magnetic disk (which may be used for {virtual
memory}) and magnetic tape.

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